Welcome Blog

Hello, everyone, in the changes we all are facing with the outbreak of corona virus, I hope you, your families, friends, and loved ones are doing well.

I don’t know you and you don’t know me, but I do know that we have something fundamentally in common…we’re human beings! And we are at war! We have an enemy that is numerous, relentless, tenacious, ruthless, merciless, rapacious, and bent on the destruction of the human race!

“What war?”, you may be thinking. It is World War III and our enemy is the corona virus.

We always thought WW4 would be fought with stone spears, according to a quote attributed to Albert Einstein.

Professor Albert Einstein was asked by friends at a dinner party what new weapons might be employed in World War III. Appalled at the implications, he shook his head.
After several minutes of meditation, he said. “I don’t know what weapons might be used in World War III. But there isn’t any doubt what weapons will be used in World War IV.”
“And what are those?” a guest asked.
“Stone spears,” said Einstein.

We assumed that WW3 would be man against man and that the weapons would be weapons of mass destruction (WMD), created by man. Well, now we know that it is not a weapon, but an enemy. And that enemy is the corona virus.

This enemy cannot be intimidated, reasoned with, negotiated with, or ignored. We can’t even surrender, ask for terms of surrender, or beg for mercy. To surrender or ask for mercy is to die. This enemy is not a signatory of the Geneva Convention or a member of the United Nations and won’t follow the rules of engagement.

How do we then defeat such an enemy? With attributes and qualities, it doesn’t have, knowledge, intelligence, awareness, and a show of unity! We already know that it only has a limited line of attack vectors. Awareness is our first line of defense. Wear a mask. Starve it of its resources to prevent it from proliferating!

Then we need visible heroes, visible warriors, visible allies, who are on the front line of defense, and a way to recognize them.

We need a symbol we can rally around, a badge of honor to show we are in this battle to win, and to remind us that because we can’t see the enemy, that the enemy is still there, using us as incubators for its next generation of fighters to kill our current and future generations of human beings.

If we allow ourselves to be compromised, we become unwitting abettors and allies of the virus, joining their cause.

We become an International corona virus delivery system (ICVDS).

The single most powerful tool in the humanities arsenal to fight corona virus is unity.

So, go to the online store, buy one or more of the items, and proudly wear or display the SSHCV heraldic badge symbol for heroes and warriors. Humanity is counting on you!

2 thoughts on “Welcome Blog”

  1. Very interesting point of view. I totally agree. If we all get together and do our part we can conquer this.
    I can’t wait to wear one of these shirts and show my support and create awareness. Thank you for this unifying idea. We need it!

  2. Hi, Pql2020, you are the first person to comment on my blog! I am very gratified with your comment on my welcome post. We need more like minded people such as yourself if we are going to have a chance at stopping this virus at the social level.

    I’m new to the blogging space and hope I can make a difference. I will send out a daily post in the beginning and more when there is more participation.

    My goal is to have 10% to 20% of the worlds population to join the movement and join the cause of awareness…100% is the best goal, but we have to start small, right? And you are the beginning of the movement! It always starts with one person!

    The best way to get out the call to action is by word of mouth. So please send the url https://sshcv.com to all of your friends and family and let’s see what we can do together.

    And please come back regularly to read new post and to comment on them.

    And most importantly, thank you for your support.


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